熬夜完成 sicily1153 马周游解题报告。困死哥了.

唉!!! 上次交作业写错题目了,做了简单的马周游 sicily 1152。补上新的,应该是sicily 1153.为了解决规模太大的问题。加上了优化算法。

中国象棋的马按照象棋的规则在8 x 8 的棋盘上跑64步跑完所有的格子。
从每一个点往下走第二步,会有几点有效的行走位置。 把当前位置记在栈里面,以深度优先的方式进入下一个有效位置。如果下一个有效位置在之前已经走过,则从栈顶弹出上一位置,恢复到调出的位置后尝试未走过的有效位置。利用函数调用时会压栈的特别,用函数递归调用即可解决问题。
软之简单的马周游,8 x 8 棋盘的规模非常大。需要在可选下一步中找到最接近正确路线的点。求该点的办法是把所以的可选点先找出,再给这些可选点按权重排序,从最优的解依次向次优,次次优…..的点试探。重点在权重的算法。这里的权重的计算法则是指一个点的下一次可走的点的个数。
// elocution数组在初始化后会记下每个有效位置的下一步有哪些可走位

// 置.elocution[x][0]用下标0记个数。最多8个有效可走位置。

char elocution[ELEM_COUNT][9];

// stamps数组记每个点是否已经走过了。0表示没走过,1表示走过了。

char stamps[ELEM_COUNT];

// track数组记路径的顺序。

char track[ELEM_COUNT];



1. 先初始化一张表。这张表记下了棋盘上所有的30个位置的下一步可走的有效位置.

2. 写一个一般的递归调用自己的函数,表示马在走第几步时到了哪个位置,然后求出余下的所有可走位置。

3. 余下的所有位置按照上文提到的权重排序。

4. 对于排序后的可选点数组,按顺序依次用递归函数尝试。

5. 递归函数有三个退出条件。1.下一个要尝试的点已经走过了,2.试完了所有的可选下一步无解。3.走到了最后一步,即得解!



http://ykyi.net  zausiu's blog.


#include <iostream>

#include <cstring>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <vector>

#include <csetjmp>

//#include <cassert>

using namespace std;

#define  ROW_NUM     8

#define  COLUMN_NUM  8


jmp_buf jmpbuffer;  // 很深的函数递归调用时用longjmp快速退出.

// elocution数组在初始化后会记下每个有效位置的下一步有哪些可走位

// 置.elocution[x][0]用下标0记个数。最多8个有效可走位置。

char elocution[ELEM_COUNT][9];

// stamps数组记每个点是否已经走过了。0表示没走过,1表示走过了。

char stamps[ELEM_COUNT];

struct coordinate  // 二维坐标


char _x;  // start from zero.

char _y;


// 作标转序号

char coordinate2serial_num(coordinate co)


char num = co._x * COLUMN_NUM + co._y + 1;

return num;


// 序号转坐标

coordinate serial_num2coordinate(char sn)


coordinate co;

co._x = (sn - 1) / COLUMN_NUM;

co._y = sn - co._x * COLUMN_NUM - 1;

return co;


// ((x:1;y:-2),(x:2;y:-1),(x:2;y:1),(x:1;y:2) (x:-1;y:2),(x:-2;y:1),(x:-2;y:-1),(x:-1;y:-2));

char increments[8][2] =


1, -2, 2, -1, 2, 1, 1, 2,

-1, 2, -2, 1, -2, -1, -1, -2


void next_step(char pos, char steps[])  // 把位置在pos序号的点的每一个下一个可选位置记在数组中。


char valid_count = 0;

coordinate co = serial_num2coordinate(pos);

coordinate tmp;

char serial_num;

for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )


tmp._x = co._x + increments[i][0];

tmp._y = co._y + increments[i][1];

if ( tmp._x < 0 || tmp._x >= ROW_NUM || tmp._y < 0 || tmp._y >= COLUMN_NUM )  // 保证位置有效




serial_num = coordinate2serial_num(tmp);

if ( serial_num >= 1 && serial_num <= ELEM_COUNT )



steps[valid_count] = serial_num;




cerr << "Not expected to reach here.\n";



steps[0] = valid_count;


// 下面的逻辑以每个点的下一步可跳点的数目作为权重排序。

struct pos_weight


char _pos;

char _weight;


// 又是用递归。这里为了实现快速排序

int partition(pos_weight poses[], int low, int high)


pos_weight pivot = poses[low];

while (low < high)


while (low < high && pivot._weight < poses[high]._weight)


poses[low] = poses[high];

while (low < high && pivot._weight >= poses[low]._weight)


poses[high] = poses[low];


poses[low] = pivot;

return low;


// 快速排序。

void quick_sort_steps(pos_weight poses[], int low, int high)


if ( low < high )


int pivot_loc = partition(poses, low, high);

quick_sort_steps(poses, low, pivot_loc-1);

quick_sort_steps(poses, pivot_loc+1, high);



void rearrage_steps(char poses[], int len) // poese里放置了下一个位置数组。Len是数组长度。


char weight, pos, next_step_count;

vector<pos_weight> vec(len);

for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) // 计算权重.


weight = 0;

pos = poses[i];

next_step_count = elocution[pos-1][0];

for ( int j = 0; j < next_step_count; j++ )


char next_step_pos = elocution[pos-1][j+1];

if ( 0 == stamps[next_step_pos-1] )


weight++;  // 如果有一下一跳点没走过则权重加1.



vec[i]._pos = pos;

vec[i]._weight = weight;


quick_sort_steps(&vec[0], 0, len-1);  // 根据权重排序.

for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) // 把排序后的位置写回原始数组.


poses[i] = vec[i]._pos;



void init_elocution()


memset(stamps, 0, sizeof(stamps));

for ( int i = 1; i <= ELEM_COUNT; i++ )


next_step(i, elocution[i-1]);



char track[ELEM_COUNT];

void run_horse(char start_pos, char step_count) // step_count [0 -- 64)


// 如果已经经过这点就立即退出函数。

if ( 1 == stamps[start_pos-1] )




track[step_count] = start_pos;

if ( step_count == COLUMN_NUM * ROW_NUM - 1 )  // 是不是最后一步。


for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(track); i++ )


cout << (int)track[i];

if ( i + 1 != sizeof(track) )


cout << " ";



cout << endl;

longjmp(jmpbuffer, 0x1);



// 记下已经走了这一步。

stamps[start_pos-1] = 1;   rearrage_steps(elocution[start_pos-1]+1, elocution[start_pos-1][0]);

for ( int i = 0; i < elocution[start_pos-1][0]; i++ )


run_horse(elocution[start_pos-1][i+1], step_count+1);


stamps[start_pos-1] = 0;  // 试完了所有可走步.退出这个函数.重置这个位置为没有走过。


int main(int argc, char* argv[])


int pos;

vector<int> vec;



cin >> pos;

if (pos==-1)






for ( int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++ )


if(setjmp(jmpbuffer) == 0)  // 为了很深的递归函数快速回退到这里。



memset(track, 0, sizeof(track));

memset(stamps, 0, sizeof(stamps));

run_horse(vec[i], 0);



return 0;



(6)该算法的时间复杂度是 O(8 ^ (m * n))   m,n分别为棋盘的长和宽。
/////////////////// 原题目如下:
1153. 马的周游问题
和题目C同样的任务,这里只是把棋盘扩大到标准的国际象棋。对这样一个8 * 8的棋盘用同样的方法编号如下:
1     2     3       4     5     6       7     8
9     10       11    12       13    14       15    16
17    18       19    20       21    22       23    24
25    26       27    28       29    30       31    32
33    34       35    36       37    38       39    40
41    42       43    44       45    46       47    48
49    50       51    52       53    54       55    56
57    58       59    60       61    62       63    64
Sample Input
Sample Output






因为我的解法用了函数递归调用,函数求到最终解的栈的调用层次非常深。第一版用置一个全局变量的方式让这么深调用的函数快速依次退出。但我也知道还有另外一种解法就是用C语言的setjmp 和 longjmp。用这两个函数可以快速退栈。









copyright ykyi.net





1、 商人只能从某些州到达另外一些州,即连通路线是单向的,而且有些州可能是到达不了的。
2、 商人不允许在同一个州连续宣传两天或以上,每天宣传完必须离开该州。
3、 商人可以多次来到同一个州进行宣传。







Sample Input

4 5 6
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 1
2 4
1 4
4 2

Sample Output

2 1

1. 原题中文大意.




2. 算法思想及解题思路.

使用了动态规划算法。令 dp[num][dest] 表示从起点通过 num 条边到达终点共有多少种走法。

先由已经知条件易得从起点通过一条它的邻接边到达它的所有邻接点共有一条路线。即 dp[1][邻接点易求得。而 dp[x][y] = sum( dp[x-1][可以一条邻接边到达y的点] )


3. 主要数数据结构.


char odgree[MAX_VERTICES_NUM+1];



‘路由表’ routine[x][n] = y 表示从顶点x经它的第n条邻接边可以到达顶点y.


这个数组即第二节提到的dp数组,dp[L][x] = num从起点开始经L条边走到顶点 共有 num 种走法。


4. 逐步求精算法描述(含过程及变量说明);

从已知条件初始化 odgree 和 routine 数组.

bzero(odgree, sizeof(odegree));

for(int x,y, i = 0; i < m; i++)


scanf("%d %d", &x, &y);


routine[x][ odgree[x] ] = y;



int cal(char start, char dest)


memset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp));

for ( int i = 1; i <= odgree[start]; i++ )  // 遍历起点的每一条邻接边


dp[1][ routine[start][i] ]++;  //  初始时经过一邻接边到达别一点的走法有几种.


for ( int i = 2; i <= L; i++ )   // 一直走到第L步.


for ( int j = 1; j <= n; j++ )  // 遍历每一个顶点.


for ( int k = 1; k <= odgree[j]; k++ )  // 该顶点的第一条邻接边


// 上文提到的递推公式。

dp[i][ routine[j][k] ] += dp[i-1][j];




return dp[L][dest];  // 返回结果



5. 程序注释清单

#include <cstdio>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <memory>

#include <cstring>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

const int MAX_VERTICES_NUM = 100;  // 最多多少个顶点.

int n, m, L, q;  // 实际n个点、m条边,L 为期限.q为有多少个询问.

static char odgree[MAX_VERTICES_NUM+1];  // 记每个点的出度.不用下标为0的元素.

static int routine[MAX_VERTICES_NUM+1][MAX_VERTICES_NUM+1];  // table[x][y] 表示x点经它的第y条边可以去到哪个点.

static int dp[MAX_VERTICES_NUM+1][MAX_VERTICES_NUM+1];  // dp[x][y] 表示经x条边,可以从某点到 y 点.

int cal(char start, char dest)


memset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp));

for ( int i = 1; i <= odgree[start]; i++ )  // 遍历起点的每一条邻接边.


dp[1][ routine[start][i] ]++;  // 初始时经过一步到达别一点的走法.


for ( int i = 2; i <= L; i++ )   // 一直走到第 L 步.


for ( int j = 1; j <= n; j++ )  // 遍历每一个点.


for ( int k = 1; k <= odgree[j]; k++ )  // 该点的每一个邻接点.


dp[i][ routine[j][k] ] += dp[i-1][j];




return dp[L][dest];


int main(int argc, char* argv[])


while ( EOF != scanf("%d %d %d", &n, &m, &L) )


memset(odgree, 0, sizeof(odgree));

for(int x,y, i = 0; i < m; i++)


scanf("%d %d", &x, &y);


routine[x][ odgree[x] ] = y;


scanf("%d", &q);

vector<int> results;

for ( int start,dest, i = 0; i < q; i++)


scanf("%d %d", &start, &dest);

results.push_back(cal(start, dest));


for ( int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++ )


printf("%d\n", results[i]);



return 0;



6. 测试数据

4 5 6

1 2

2 3

3 4

4 1

2 4


1 4

4 2

2 1

1 3

3 4








7. 对时间复杂度,空间复杂度方面的分析、估算及程序优化的分析和改进.



initramfs 和 initrd 的区别

Linux 2.6内核引入了一个新的feature叫做initramfs。与initrd相比,initramfs有几个好处。

Initramfs建立在page cahce之上,和page cache一样,会动态地自动增长和缩减尺寸来减入内存的使用量,而initrd做不到这点。
另外,不像initrd需要文件系统驱动(filesystem driver)的支持,比如EXT2 driver,如果你的initrd使用ext2。而initramfs则不需要文件系统的支持,initramfs的实现代码很简单,只是基于page cache的简单一层。

copyright ykyi.net


对于x86机器的Linux的启动顺序,BIOS首先从启动设备载入MBR(Master Boot Record).存在MBR里的代码就去找分区表,从活动分区读入Linux的bootloader,最常用的像Grub,其它的有LILO,SYSLINUX。

x86处理器有两种工作模式。实模式和保护模式。在实模式,你只能够寻址1M内存。保护模式下,就复杂得多,可以作到使用处理器的很多高级特性比如分页。CPU必须从实模式转到保护模式是一个单行通道(one-way street)。你不能从保护模式退入实模式。

内核第一阶段的内核初始化是在实模式中完成的。接下来从init/main.c 中定义的 start_kernel()函数进入你保护模式。start_kernel()先初始化CPU subsystem。接下来启动存储器和进程管理。然后启动外围总线和IO设备。启动序列的最后一个阶段便是init进程被启动。这个进程是所有的Linux进程的祖先。Init进程执行用户空间的脚本。这些脚本被用来启动必要的内核服务程序。Init最后spawn一个控制台给你。于是启动就完成了。

copyright ykyi.net

ACM 马周游解题报告








在一个5 * 6的棋盘中的某个位置有一只马,如果它走29步正好经过除起点外的其他位置各一次,这样一种走法则称马的周游路线,试设计一个算法,从给定的起点出发,找出它的一条周游路线。
1     2     3       4     5     6
7     8     9       10    11       12
13    14       15    16       17    18
19    20       21    22       23    24
25    26       27    28       29    30
Sample Input
Sample Output
中国象棋的马按照象棋的规则在5 x 6 的棋盘上跑30步跑完所有的格子。
从每一个点往下走第二步,会有几点有效的行走位置。 把当前位置记在栈里面,以深度优先的方式进入下一个有效位置。如果下一个有效位置在之前已经走过,则从栈顶弹出上一位置,恢复到调出的位置后尝试未走过的有效位置。利用函数调用时会压栈的特别,用函数递归调用即可解决问题。
1. 先初始化一张表。这张表记下了棋盘上所有的30个位置的下一步可走的有效位置.
2. 写一个一般的递归调用自己的函数,表示马在走第几步时到了哪个位置,然后尝试走余下的所有可走位置。
3. 递归函数有两个退出条件。要么下一个要尝试的点已经走过了,要么走到了最后一步,即得解!
#include <iostream>

#include <cstring>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

const static char row_num = 5;   // 5行

const static char column_num = 6;  // 6列

// 这个全局数组在初始化后会记下每30个有效位置的下一步可走位置.

// elocution[x][0]记个数。最多8个有效可走位置。

char elocution[30][9];

struct coordinate  // 坐标.


char _x;  // start from zero.

char _y;


// 坐标转序号的函数。

char coordinate2serial_num(coordinate co)


char num = co._x * column_num + co._y + 1;

return num;


// 序号转坐标的函数。

coordinate serial_num2coordinate(char sn)


coordinate co;

co._x = (sn - 1) / column_num;

co._y = sn - co._x * column_num - 1;

return co;


// 增量数组.

char increments[8][2] =


1, -2, 2, -1, 2, 1, 1, 2,

-1, 2, -2, 1, -2, -1, -1, -2


// 得用增量数组来计算每一个位置的下一步有效位置。记到steps里面.

void next_step(char pos, char steps[])


char valid_count = 0;

coordinate co = serial_num2coordinate(pos);

coordinate tmp;

char serial_num;

for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )


tmp._x = co._x + increments[i][0];

tmp._y = co._y + increments[i][1];

if ( tmp._x < 0 || tmp._x > 4 || tmp._y < 0 || tmp._y > 5 )




serial_num = coordinate2serial_num(tmp);

if ( serial_num >= 1 && serial_num <= 30 )



steps[valid_count] = serial_num;




cerr << "Not expected to reach here.\n";



steps[0] = valid_count;


// 初始化记载所有点的下一步可走点的全局表。

void init_elocution()


for ( int i = 1; i <= 30; i++ )


next_step(i, elocution[i-1]);



char track[30];   // 记走过的路径.

bool quit_run_horse;

// 上文提高的递归函用函数.

void run_horse(char start_pos, char step_count)


if ( quit_run_horse ) // 用来快速退出深嵌套递归调用函数.




for ( int i = 0; i < step_count; i++ )


// 已?经-经-过y这a点?了?.

if ( track[i] == start_pos )





track[step_count] = start_pos; // 记下新走过的位置

if ( step_count == 29 )  // 最后一步则打印出结果。


for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(track); i++ )


cout << (int)track[i];

if ( i + 1 != sizeof(track) )


cout << " ";



cout << endl;

quit_run_horse = true;



for ( int i = 0; i < elocution[start_pos-1][0]; i++ )


run_horse(elocution[start_pos-1][i+1], step_count+1);



int main(int argc, char* argv[])



int pos;

vector<int> vec;



cin >> pos;

if (pos==-1)






for ( int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++ )


quit_run_horse = false;

run_horse(vec[i], 0);


return 0;




knowledge gained from learning git.

# If you inadvertently remove a file of your working copy. Don't worry. Git are good at recovering old versions of files, such as:
$git checkout HEAD — data


# show what the file looks like in a certain branch.
$git show branch_name:file_name

# In newer versions of Git, git diff –ours is a synonym for git diff HEAD, because it shows the differences between "our" version and the merged version. Similarly, git diff MERGE_HEAD can be written as git diff –theirs. You can use git diff –base to see the combined set of changes since the merge base, which would otherwise be rather awkwardly written as:
git diff $(git merge-base HEAD MERGE_HEAD)

# While you are in the process of resolving a conflict, you can use some special git log options to help you figure out exactly where the changes came from and why. Try this:
$git log –merge –left-right -p
–merge shows only commits related to files that produced a conflict.
–left-right displays < if the commit was from the "left" side of the merge("our version", the one you started with), or > if the commit was from the "right" side of the merge("their" version, the one you're merging in).
-p shows the commit message and the patch associated with each commit.

If your repository were more complicated and several files had conflicts, you could also provide the exact file names you are interested in as a command line option, like this:
$git log –merge –left-right -p hello

# The -s option to git ls-files shows all the files with all stages. If you want to see only conflicted files, use the -u option instead.

# $ git checkout -m branch_name
If possible or if specifically requested with the -m option, Git attempts to carry your local change into the new working directory by performing a merge operation between your local modifications and the target branch.

# $ git reset –hard ORIG_HEAD
If you want to abort or discard the merge after it has finished(that is,after it has introduced a new merge commit), use the above command. Prior to beginning the merge operation, Git saves your original branch HEAD in the ORIG_HEAD ref for just this sort of purpose.
You should be very careful here, though. If you did not start the merge with a clean working directory and index, you could geet in trouble and lose any uncommitted changes you have in your directory.

# Just show what the file looks like in a branch.
$ git show branch_name:file_name

# The command for manipulating remotes is git remote. This operation introduces a few new settings in the .git/config file.

Diff, Patch, and Friends(diff, patch和他们的相关工具)(第二篇)

原文 http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/1237
翻译: www.ykyi.net zausiu

Use the diff program to avoid eyestrain and insanity:

diff -u 1 2
— 1 Sat Apr 20 22:11:53 1996
+++ 2 Sat Apr 20 22:12:01 1996
-1,9 +1,9
Ecce Eduardus Ursus scalis nunc tump-tump-tump
occipite gradus pulsante post Christophorum
Robinum descendens. Est quod sciat unus et solus
-modus gradibus desendendi, non nunquam autem
+modus gradibus descendendi, nonnunquam autem
sentit, etiam alterum modum exstare, dummodo
-pulsationibus desinere et de no modo meditari
+pulsationibus desinere et de eo modo meditari
possit. Deinde censet alios modos non esse. En,
nunc ipse in imo est, vobis ostentari paratus.
Winnie ille Pu.

There are several things to notice here:


The file names and last dates of modification are shown in a “header” at the top. The dates may not mean anything if you are comparing files that have been passed back and forth by e-mail, but they become very useful in other circumstances.

The file names (in this case, 1 and 2—are preceded by — and +++.
文件名(在这个例子中,有两个文件,一个名为1,另一个名为2)加上了 — 和 +++ 的前缀。

After the header comes a line that includes numbers. We will discuss that line later.

The lines that did not change between files are shown preceded by spaces; those that are different in the different files are shown preceded by a character which shows which file they came from. Lines which exist only in a file whose name is preceded by — in the header are preceded by a – character, and vice-versa for lines preceded by a + character. Another way to remember this is to see that the lines preceded by a – character were removed from the first (—) file, and those preceded by a + character were added to the second (+++) file.
所有没有更改的行显示出来时仅仅加上空格作前缀。如果是不同的行呢,则在每一行前加上指示它们出处的前缀。加上-前缀表示来自头部标志的 — 文件,如果加上 + 前缀则表示来自头部标志的 +++ 文件。另外你也可以理解成: 有 – 前缀的行表示从第一个文件(—)中删除了,而有 + 前缀的行表示是在(+++)文件中添加的。

Three spelling changes have been made: “desendendi” has been corrected to “descendendi”, “non nunquam” has been corrected to “nonnunquam”, and “no” has been corrected to “eo”.

Perhaps the main thing to notice is that you didn't need this description of how to interpret diff's output in order to find the differences. It is rather easy to compare two adjacent lines and see the differences.

It's not always this easy

Unfortunately, if too many adjacent lines have been changed, interpretation isn't as immediately obvious; but by knowing that each marked line has been changed in some way, you can figure it out. For instance, in this comparison, where the file 3 contains the damaged contents, and file 4 (identical to file 2 in the previous example) contains the correct contents, three lines in a row are changed, and now each line with a difference is not shown directly above the corrected line:

diff -u 3 4
— 3 Sun Apr 21 18:57:08 1996
+++ 4 Sun Apr 21 18:56:45 1996
-1,9 +1,9
Ecce Eduardus Ursus scalis nunc tump-tump-tump
occipite gradus pulsante post Christophorum
Robinum descendens. Est quod sciat unus et solus
-modus gradibus desendendi, non nunquam autem
-sentit, etiam alterum nodum exitare, dummodo
-pulsationibus desinere et de no modo meditari
+modus gradibus descendendi, nonnunquam autem
+sentit, etiam alterum modum exstare, dummodo
+pulsationibus desinere et de eo modo meditari
possit. Deinde censet alios modos non esse. En,
nunc ipse in imo est, vobis ostentari paratus.
Winnie ille Pu.

It takes a little more work to find the added mistakes; “nodum” for “modum” and “exitare” for “exstare”. Imagine if 50 lines in a row had each had a one-character change, though. This begins to resemble the old job of going through the whole file, character-by-character, looking for changes. All we've done is (potentially) shrink the amount of comparison you have to do.
这就需要花费更多的工作来找到错误啦。“nodum” for “modum” and “exitare” for “exstare”。想象一下,如果连续50行,每行都有一个字母的改变,那么你要做的工作又和使用diff前一样嘞。逐字逐字的查找!diff仅仅帮你把更改范围限定了而已。

Fortunately, there are several tools for finding these kinds of differences more easily. GNU Emacs has “word diff” functionality. There is also a GNU “wdiff” program which helps you find these kinds of differences without using Emacs.
好有好些工具帮助你很容易定位到这些差异。GNU Emacs就有一个"word diff"的功能。还有一个叫wdiff的GNU工具也能帮助你查找这种类型的错误。

Let's look first at GNU Emacs. For this example, files 5 and 6 are exactly the same, respectively, as files 3 and 4 before. I bring up emacs under X (which provides me with colored text), and type:
让我们先看看GNU Emacs。

M-x ediff-files RET

In the new window which pops up, I press the space bar, which tells Emacs to highlight the differences. Look at Figure 1 and see how easy it is to find each changed word.

Figure 1. ediff-files 5 6

GNU wdiff is also very useful, especially if you aren't running X. A pager (such as less) is all that is required—and that is only required for large differences. The exact same set of files (5 and 6), compared with the command wdiff -t 5 6, is shown in Figure 2.
GNU wdiff也很有用,特别是你没有运行X服务的时候。一个分屏工具(比如 less)就足够用来查找大范围的差异了。

Figure 2. wdiff -t 5 6


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Syntax Highlight in DDD DDD的语法高亮



Is it possible to enable syntax highlighting in DDD?
I searched through the Google and found this answer:

Sorry, no, this isn’t possible.
The biggest problem is that Motif’s text widget doesn’t
support multiple colours, and would have to be replaced.
That would be an enormous job.


Is it still impossible (post date is Thu, 10 Feb 2005)?
Are there any workarounds/patches/forks?

Diff, Patch, and Friends(diff, patch和他们的相关工具)(第一篇)

原文 http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/1237
翻译: ykyi.net

“Kernel patches” may sound like magic, but the two tools used to create and apply patches are simple and easy to use—if they weren't, some Linux developers would be too lazy to use them…

Diff is designed to show you the differences between files, line by line. It is fundamentally simple to use, but takes a little practice. Don't let the length of this article scare you; you can get some use out of diff by reading only the first page or two. The rest of the article is for those who aren't satisfied with very basic uses.
diff这个工具设计成可以向你展示文件之间行与行的区别。它使用起来是相当的简单,但需要一点练习才习。你千万不要让长长的介绍文档把你吓住。你可以先只读前一两页文档,这样你就可以使用diff来开展一些工作了。余下的diff介绍文档是写给那些对基本用法非常不满的奇异人士的。 http://ykyi.net

While diff is often used by developers to show differences between different versions of a file of source code, it is useful for far more than source code. For example, diff comes in handy when editing a document which is passed back and forth between multiple people, perhaps via e-mail. At Linux Journal, we have experience with this. Often both the editor and an author are working on an article at the same time, and we need to make sure that each (correct) change made by each person makes its way into the final version of the article being edited. The changes can be found by looking at the differences between two files.
diff被开发者用来同一个源文件的比较不同版本之间的区别。这还可以有很多其它的用途。比如,当编辑一个在很多人之间通过email传递的文档时,diff工具非常方便。在Linux Journal网站,我们经历过这些。编辑和作者同时修改同一个文章的情况非常常 见,我们需要确保每个人所作的修改都被正确应用到这篇文章的正确位置。被修改的部分可以通过比较两个文件的区别得到。

However, it is hard to show off how helpful diff can be in finding these kinds of differences. To demonstrate with files large enough to really show off diff's capabilities would require that we devote the entire magazine to this one article. Instead, because few of our readers are likely to be fluent in Latin, at least compared to those fluent in English, we will give a Latin example from Winnie Ille Pu, a translation by Alexander Leonard of A. A. Milne's Winnie The Pooh (ISBN 0-525-48335-7). This will make it harder for the average reader to see differences at a glance and show how useful these tools can be in finding changes in much larger documents.
但是,要让你清楚的知道diff工具在查找文件之间的区别方面是多么有用是用点难度的。要向你清楚展示diff的所有所有功能,需要整个Linux Journal杂志这么大的篇幅来介绍(zausiu: 这句话我不太确定有没有译对)。我不这样做,由于比较少一部分人可以流利读懂拉丁文,至少同能够读英文的人数相比可以读拉丁文的是少数派,我给出一个用拉丁文的例子。这样一来,一般人就不太能一眼看出不同之处来,你就能够理解diff用来查找大文件之间的区间是多么有用了。http://ykyi.net

Quickly now, find the differences between these two passages:

Ecce Eduardus Ursus scalis nunc tump-tump-tump
occipite gradus pulsante post Christophorum
Robinum descendens. Est quod sciat unus et solus
modus gradibus desendendi, non nunquam autem
sentit, etiam alterum modum exstare, dummodo
pulsationibus desinere et de no modo meditari
possit. Deinde censet alios modos non esse. En,
nunc ipse in imo est, vobis ostentari paratus.
Winnie ille Pu.

Ecce Eduardus Ursus scalis nunc tump-tump-tump
occipite gradus pulsante post Christophorum
Robinum descendens. Est quod sciat unus et solus
modus gradibus descendendi, nonnunquam autem
sentit, etiam alterum modum exstare, dummodo
pulsationibus desinere et de eo modo meditari
possit. Deinde censet alios modos non esse. En,
nunc ipse in imo est, vobis ostentari paratus.
Winnie ille Pu.

You may be able to find one or two changes after some careful comparison, but are you sure you have found every change? Probably not: tedious, character-by-character comparison of two files should be the computer's job, not yours.
如果你仔仔细细,认认真真地比较,你能够发现一到两个不同之处。但是你可以保证你找到了所有的不同之处了吗?不!逐字的比较文件之间的不同是电脑的专长,而不是你--humanbeing ! 


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