


进口配额制(Import Quotas)又称进口限额制。它是直接限制进口的一种重要措施。进口配额制是指一国政府在一定时期内(如一季度、半年或一年内),对某些商品的进口数量或金额规定一个数额加以直接的限制,在规定时限内,配额以内的货物可以进口,超过配额则不准进口,或者征收较高的关税、附加税或罚款后才能进口。
5.The definition of the import quotas.
Import Quotas, namely Import Limits, which is one of the most important measures to limit import. Import quotas is defined as the direct limitation impossed on some certain
import commodity on import quantity or sum in some periods(e.g. one quarter, one half-year or a whole year). In the limitation period, merchats in limitation range is granted to be imported, otherwise, will be refused or much higher tariffs will be impossed.
There are two kinds of Import Quotas.
1) Absolte Quotas.
2) Tariff Quotas.
1. 在进口配额制下管理好使用好配额,扩大出口,增加外汇
在配额制下,进口国对某些商品直接限定数量或金额,在限定范围内,货物才许可进口。因此,对出口国来说,配额用完了就不能扩大出口。即使有的国家允许超配额商品进口,而进口国则要征收高额 关税或罚款,但这种关税非同一般关税,有时甚至高达百分之几百,罚款数额也很大。所以,实际上这种高额关税或罚款起到了禁止进口的作用。
1. Manage the quotas well and make good use of it to expand export and raise foreign-currency(foreign reserves?) under the import quotas system.
Due to the fact that under the import quotas system, importing nations set a ceiling limit of the quantity and sum of the import commodity and import commodity gained the access permission only when the quota limit has not been used out. As for the exporting nations, it is not possible to expand export when no quotas is available. Even though in some nations, excess import happens only on the basis that the importing nation imposes higher tariffs, usually go up to several hundred percent, or levies heavy fines which is also very huge. Actually, it serves as a ban on imports.
The varieties and unit price should be in our favor in order to expand the export and raise the foreign reserve. High price and high class commodities should be given high priority. The customer demands and the production capacity are surely to take into consideration. Generally speaking, high value added products should take main account of the export, resource-based goods, raw materials, and best-selling goods can be slightly exported more on the meanwhilek.
Best effort should be make to expand export of the commodities that are not be limited by import quotas. As a example, though export quotas on "Bastket Species" are specified in trade agreement, the EU is less sensitive to it and the leash has been loosed. This kind of product accout for two or three tons in our country, which has been export a small amout in the past years and it has not been exported enough. We should expand "basket species" export positively. However, balance must be control well to prevent being intensivly centralized which will result in the EU's attention and negotiation.
Customer management should be strengthed. In most cases, commodities suffering from quotas are in short supply. As for the importers, profits is well guaranted. So, we could control through taking measures such as releasing export licence, signing certificate of origin and shipment.
4.为了履行对外缔结的协定义务,管理好配额品种的出口,各业务部门必须要有一个精确的统计资料。业务部门按时上报的配额使用情况,数字一定要正确。业务部门内部也要加强统计和联系,保证成 交出运数不超过配额数。
4. In order to fullfill well the trade agreement and manage well the quota commodities, every operating deparment must have prcise statistical materials. Opeating department has to report the quota usuage condition in time and the figure accuracy is a must. As inside the operating department, statistics and communications should be enforced to assure the quotas will not be accessed.
copyright ykyi.net

In the flesh 本人地;活生生地。及其它与flesh有关的短语。

<绝望的主妇>第二季第十九集中,susan 的感情进展地很不顺利。一天她独自去电影院。不巧的是,她在电影院里撞见了mike,还是和别的女孩一起来的。这真是无巧不成书。她为了避免尴尬赶快向旁边一位男士求救。还好他很配合,也很幽默。他说:Wow, i can’t believe I’m finally seeing the man himself, in the flesh.

http://ykyi.net 在这句说话里面,in the flesh means present and alive before one’s eyes or in person(活生生地在某人眼前或本人地),也可以简单理解为”活生生地,本人地”

例如: She is even more beautiful in the flesh. 她本人更漂亮



Hi, what makes u lose so much flesh. 嗨,是什么使你变得如此消瘦。

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。

flesh and blood 可以用来泛指人体,人性(The human body or nature).

The work is more than flesh and blood can stand. 这项工作非人能忍受。

于是flesh and blood还可以引申为一篇文章一部小说或是一个概念等的血与肉。

The paragraph lacks flesh and blood. please flesh out with more details.

是啊,一篇好的文章既要有好的结构bone,又要有丰富的内容flesh and blood.这样才好看。再看一句话:

No matter what happened, Tom is my own flesh and blood.不管发生了什么事,汤姆都是我亲生骨肉。

pound of flesh又是什么意思呢?

Pound of flesh出生<威尼斯商人>。William shakespeare的戏剧啊!现在的引申义是: pound of flesh means to cruelly or unreasonably insist on one’s right.

例如: Their boss pays the highest wages, but he wants his pound of flesh in return and makes them work very hard.

go the way of all flesh 是死的意思 http://ykyi.net

Our dog’s gone the way of all flesh. 我们的狗死了。

A thorn in someone’s flesh 很容易猜到是肉中刺的意思和中文是一样的。

I wonder why i become a thorn in their flesh. I’ve never harmed them.

Press the flesh 什么意思呢

猜不到吧!Press the flesh竟然是握手的意思。压肉就是握手。哈哈。

例句:The candidate went through the crowed, pressing the flesh. 候选人穿过人群,与他们一一握手。

英语里几个和knock有关的短语 knock off; knock out; knock up; knock yourself out


Knock off : ‘住手’的意思! Betty Applewhite把自己弱智的儿子caleb囚禁在basement,caleb总是不断地击打镣铐发出哐啷的声音。另一个儿子Matthew无法忍受时对地下室喊到: Knock it off !

Knock out:

拳击双赛中的”KO”,即把对方击倒,即 knock out 的缩写.

但数学老师说”we can knock out x and y”这里的knock out 则是“消去”的意思。http://ykyi.net

knock-out 作名词解时却是“美女”的意思。 She is a knock-out. 她是个美女。

Knock up:

Knock up这是一个略显粗俗的美国俚语,意思是“to make sb. pregnant”(使某人怀孕)例如:

You are so irresponsible, if u knock her up and then disappear.

又如: The young girl said she was afraid of getting knocked up.

在英式英语中,knock up 和 knock out 有相同的意思,表示“使筋疲力尽,使累垮”

例如:This physical work knocked me up. 这个体力活使我筋疲力尽了。

Knock yourself out: 什么意思呢?

这个短语是“请便”的意思。http://ykyi.net 比如:

Could you give me your pencil for a while ? 能借你的铅笔给我用一下吗?

Knock yourself out. My pencil is just on the table. 请随便,我的铅笔就在桌子上。

A slap on the wrist 轻微的惩罚


So would Nina get in trouble ? 那么Nina会有麻烦吗?

well, I‘m not gonna lie to u. There is a possibility she’d get a slap on the wrist. http://ykyi.net 我不想撒谎,Nina有可能会受到轻微的处罰。

这里 a slap on the wrist中的slap就是打一下。比如说,a slap on the face就是打耳光。 a slap on the wrist 就是在手腕上打一下。在手腕上打一下并不痛。作为习惯用语呢, a slap on the wrist 就是”轻微的惩罚”。

比a slap on the wrist更轻的叫做“token punishment”.象征性惩罚。

You got off easy this time, but stealing is a serious crime and next time it won’t just be a slap on the wrist.

若用kid gloves拍打人是一种什么样的惩罚呢?Treat with kid gloves 指的是手下留情,小心对待。Kid此处指小山羊。用小山羊皮制的手套极为柔软,引申为小心谨慎 handle with great care and sensitivity.

例如: You have to handle the students with kid’s gloves. http://ykyi.net

另外,面对真假轻重不同的惩罚,我们要擦亮眼睛!有人表面祥和,却是外荏内厉(an iron fist in a velvet glove),最应提防的是口蜜腹剑的人(a fox in a sheep’s skin or a wolf in sheeps clothing.)

stab someone in the back 出卖别人

《绝望的主妇》第2季第22集,大伙忙着帮susan收拾大火过后的残局,无意之间susan发现只有edie站在街对面袖手旁观,悠闲地吃冰棒(popsicle),还洋洋得意地盯着susan. Susan当即像是明白了些什么,随后便跑到Edie家去想问个究竟…


没想到这一对质,Edie承认了她所做的一切,但她却振振有词,原因是她看了susan之前写给她的道歉信。susan做梦也想不到那封信怎么还会到Edie的手里。Mike花了大价钱赶走了私家侦探Oliver. Susan又想尽一切办法引开邮递员Gus的注意,偷出了那封信,没想到老天捉弄人, 在Julie回家后以为是邮递员弄错了,误把给Edie的信放在自己家里的信里了,于是她又给放了回去。


当susan还是一头雾水的问”letter? what letter?” 。还是 Edie理直气壮地告诉她:The one where u admitted to stabbing me in the back by sleeping with Karl (在那封信里你承认了你在背后出卖我,与Karl睡觉。)

Stab someone in the back 是指在背后暗箭伤人,出卖某人的意思.

I cannot believe my best friend stabbed me in the back. 我不敢相信我最好的朋友竟然出卖我。


顺便提到另一个谚语: Better an open enemy than a false friend. 公开的敌人胜过虚假的朋友。



Bite这个词本来很简单,但是在实际运用中,可以活用的地方有很多。例如,在《绝望的主妇》第二季第二十集中,一次,Lynette在帮助上司Ed与妻子进行网络聊天时,他模仿Ed的口气暧昧地说: i will bite you good. (我会把你咬得全舒舒服服的.)


t Susan就像猫和老鼠一样,好像注定是天敌。Edie口中最尖酸的话好像都指向了susan,有一次,她脱口就骂Susan: You bitch! Susan总是要内敛一些,她没有直接骂Edie是bitch,但动动却表达了同样的意思。因为她迅速地回击说: Bite me ! 也就是说:你咬我吧。你能把我怎么样?


Bite me 是对对方的一种挑衅。


Bite 可以利用的场合远不止此。如果你早上起晚了,而上班时间马上又要到了,那么早点又不能不吃,你可能会随便吃一口面包,这样你可以说:I will take a bite of bread this time.


英语中,可以用go for a bite表示“出去吃饭”例如:

what’s up ? 干什么呢?

Well, i was wondering if you’d like to go for a bite. 嗯,我在想你是否想出去吃饭。

再如,有一句广告词上写着: save those leftovers and go out for bite on Friday.(星期五不吃剩菜,出去吃)



All bark and No bite.  什么意思呢?中国的俗语里面也有类似的说话,即“叫唤的狗不咬人(Barking dogs seldom bite.)” All bark and No Bite的意思跟这个很相似,即“嘴上说说,实际上不会怎样””雷声大,雨点小。”例如: The new manager threatened to fire me but i know he won’t do it; he is all bark and no bite.

Bite off more than you can Chew.   什么意思呢? 这句短语有“贪多嚼不烂”的意思。例如:I thought I could finish this report within one month, but it looks like I have bitten off more than I can chew.

Bite your tongue.  什么意思呢?字面意思是说“咬住舌头”,意思是“控制住自己,忍着不要乱说话(hold your tongue)”例如: whenever that professor says something i don’t like, i have to bite my tongue.每当那位教授讲到我不喜欢的事情时,我总得忍着不说话。

Never bite the hand that feeds you. 什么意思呢?字面上理解:不要咬掉给自己喂饭的手。可引申为:不要忘恩负义。例如:we have been your best customers for years. How could u suddenly treat us so rudely? You should never bite the hand that feeds you.

Get over somebody

短语: get over 什么意思.

I know you’re trying to get over Morty, but this is not the way to do it.


在这里get over 的意思是”忘却”,它还有”结束;熬过;康复” 的意思。如果说 He finally got over his divorce,那就指他人离婚中恢复过来,不再为此事烦恼或煎熬了,已回到正常的生活中了。

Even though we have broken for such a long time, I still couldn’t get her over.


Get over除了当”忘记”讲,还有一个意思”克服,忍受”相当于over come.例如:

No matter what it takes, we must get over this difficulty.

It took me a long time to get over my flu.

老友记 里的对白:

Ross : so, r u gonna c him again?

Monica: Tomorrow night.

Rachel: Monica, what r u doing?

Chandler: well, she spent the last six months getting over him, and now she’s celebrating that by going on a date with him.(这样,她刚花了六个月时间努力忘记他,现在她以和他约会来庆祝这个胜利。)

A pillar of salt 什么意思. 盐柱子是什么意思. lot’s wife什么意思.

<绝望的主妇> 第二季第十一集中,Bree对Andrew和男友Justin在自家前院的暧昧行为提出了批评,没想到反遭讥讽:“Oh, and you didn't turn into a pillar of salt. Good for you。" 噢,还好,你没有变成盐柱子。




所以英语中就有了Lot's Wife和a pillar of salt来指代"分好奇的人"。

另外    ykyi.net 还有两个关于salt的短语.

worth one's salt 是指称职,有能力,能胜任的意思。原因是盐曾作为工资支付手段,工资金salary也就是源于此。例如: That actor is not worth his salt. (那个演员不称职。)

rub salt in an old wound 表示"故意提及伤心地往事" 例如:

Do you remember that time you were giving a speech and you dropped your laptop computer?

Oh, please, let's not rub salt in old wounds.


绝望的主妇 第一季第13集中Lynette对Tom说的非常绝妙的一句话: I guess i just got so upset because —- oh, whatever, let’s not beat a dead horse, it’s over, Im sorry, good night. ( 想那事让我这么心烦就是因为—-哦,随他去吧,事已至此,也别白费口舌了,这件事到此为止,我很抱歉。晚安。)

zausiu’s blog http://ykyi.net

这句话中的beat a dead horse 这个表达非常形象,这里的beat也可用flog替换。大家想象一下,用鞋子抽打死马让它驰骋,就是再大的力也没有用。因此这个表达用来表示”徒劳,作无用功”或是指”对已摒 弃或认可的活动信念徒费精力”。英语中还有很多跟dead用关的用法。

老友记中Earl先生想自杀的原因之一就是他觉得自己从事一个dead-end job (没有前途的工作)。

dead-end 是美国俚语,意思是死胡同,与中文里穷途末路相似。

美国作家Sidney Kingsley于1935年创作现实主义作品Dead End<死巷>。小说反映美国纽约大城市贫民窟中青少年的生活,1937年被编成电影Dead End Kids《死巷小子》。之后dead-end kid就是“穷孩子,浑小子或没有出息的男人”的意思。

The City Hall is more often a dead end than a stepping-stone for improving one’s political careers. 在市政大厅里工作,对于一个需要政治前途的人来说,与其说是一块垫脚石,还不如说是一个死胡同。

zausiu’s blog: http://ykyi.net

再介绍一下dead in the water的意思。

Dead in the water 出自航海用语,原来是指在航行中船中发生故障而无法启动。失去动力的船 只只能随波逐流,就像死鱼漂浮在水面上。此语可以形容经济发展的停滞不前或不景气(stagnation)。比如:

The Swiss Bank’s plan to launder money skimmed from casinos was dead in the water. 瑞士银行企图为赌场得来的钱洗钱的计划泡了汤。

Dead Sea Scrools是什么意思呢?

Dead Sea Scrolls 也称Qumran Scrolls,直译为”死海古卷”,其常用的比喻意思是”千古之谜”。考古学家在西南亚希比特库姆兰等地的旷野洞察和犹太遗址中发现古代文献的与低沙草纸。据考证,这些古卷系犹太教艾逊尼派的藏书。但有部分古卷学者们仍然未能破解。于是人们常用死海古卷来表示人类文化历史上的谜团或至今尚未破译的秘密。

Dead-cat bounce是什么意思呢?

Dead-cat bounce是金融证券术语,比喻短暂的经济复苏,也可以比喻股票大幅下挫后的短线反弹。因为弹出的死猫没有活力,此语形象地描述了经济衰退和股票下跌产生的短暂抬头现象。

The dead-cat bounce has a domino effect on suppliers, factories, wholesalers and finally the consumers. 死猫反弹所产生的多米诺效应影响到供应商,工厂和批发商,最后还影响到消费者。

zausiu’s blog: http://ykyi.net


# in/out someone’s hair (不)给添乱,烦扰。
She was constantly in my hair, overseeing everything I did.

# Flip-flop 突然改变立场
Bree, could this flip-flop have something to do with the fact that Danielle is dating Mattew?

# Fresh as paint 容光焕发
You have been as fresh as paint over the last six months.
容易与fresh paint(油漆未干混淆)

# put an end to something

# The last straw 最后一根稻草

# Dead meat
If u keep slamming the door like this, u’re dead meat.

# There are rats in the basement that are hangingthemselves,couldn’t get any worse.

# Take it outside 出去单挑
Ross: Let’s, let’s take this outside? Who talks like that?
Big Bully: The guy that’s about to kick your ass talks like that.

# It never hurt to have a friend at court.

# Word is out all over town that … …已经满城风雨,全城尽知。
Word is out all over town that Bush may have affair with her.

# No one would say a word. 没人会反对。

# Church mouse
I’m well aware of your church mouse status.

# As busy as a bee; as true as a steel; as blind as a bat; as easy as a pie;
as graceful as a swan; as cool as a cucumber; as tamed as a hare; as mild as a dove; as bold as brass; as strong as a horse;

# bum out 气恼,抑郁
This blows my mind and i’m extremely bummed out. 中学生用语 and i’m extremely bummed out. 中学生用语

# what is done cannot be undone. 木已成舟。

# The goose is cooked 错误已造成.

# To err is man 人非圣贤,孰能无过。

# done deal 既成事实
It seems that it is a done deal already, rather than on conditional terms.

# nip in the bud 防患于未然,消灭于萌芽状态。

# path up 本意为修补,平息,拼揍。现在表示平息争吵,与break up意思相反。
Are you going to patch things up? 也可说成can’t u make up? make up还有个意思是化妆。

# put up with differences and peace will prevail.

# smoke the peace pipe 讲和
为什么smoke the peace pipe 是讲和的意思呢。因为以前北美的印第安人讲和的意思就在一起抽烟。
其它表示和好,讲和的短语还有。bury the hatchet(短柄小斧); hold out the olive branch伸出橄榄枝;cease hostilites 结束敌对;patch up a quarrel; forgive and forget; let bygones be bygones; beat swords into plowshares;

# The coast is clear. 平安无事了。
为什么The coast is clear表示平安无事呢?据说来自于海盗和偷渡客用语,你明白了吧!

# hit rock bottom 糟糕透顶
The economy has hit rock bottom.

# An octopus in Germany called Paul who has shot to stardom for his spot-on world cup predictions.

# Pull their hair out in frustration. 抓破头皮的郁闷呀。

# a yes-man 应声虫

# cut the apron string 剪断围裙带,摆脱依赖。
Hey, we all gotta cut the apron strings at some point.
中文中的妻管严在英文里也是说成be tied to the apron strings of one’s wife.
Are you tied to the apron strings of your wife?

# An erect penis doesn’t have a conscious. 哈哈哈.译成色令智昏.
Even limp ones aren’t all that ethical. 不色智也昏.

# And then he got his zen look on his face and said. 一副参禅高僧样,意为要教训人。

# catch on (to something) 意识到,发觉,明白。
Jack’s always the last to catch on my joke.
You catch on fast. 聪明,一说就懂!

# dog days 三伏天

# put on weight 体重增加

# water under the bridge. 往事如烟。 绝望的主妇第二季第十二集中,Detective应约到饭店与Bree共进晚餐。席间,侦探先生委婉地为自己先前的行为道歉,Bree一笑而过,说道“That is all water under the bridge now”于是前嫌尽弃。