A slap on the wrist 轻微的惩罚


So would Nina get in trouble ? 那么Nina会有麻烦吗?

well, I‘m not gonna lie to u. There is a possibility she’d get a slap on the wrist. http://ykyi.net 我不想撒谎,Nina有可能会受到轻微的处罰。

这里 a slap on the wrist中的slap就是打一下。比如说,a slap on the face就是打耳光。 a slap on the wrist 就是在手腕上打一下。在手腕上打一下并不痛。作为习惯用语呢, a slap on the wrist 就是”轻微的惩罚”。

比a slap on the wrist更轻的叫做“token punishment”.象征性惩罚。

You got off easy this time, but stealing is a serious crime and next time it won’t just be a slap on the wrist.

若用kid gloves拍打人是一种什么样的惩罚呢?Treat with kid gloves 指的是手下留情,小心对待。Kid此处指小山羊。用小山羊皮制的手套极为柔软,引申为小心谨慎 handle with great care and sensitivity.

例如: You have to handle the students with kid’s gloves. http://ykyi.net

另外,面对真假轻重不同的惩罚,我们要擦亮眼睛!有人表面祥和,却是外荏内厉(an iron fist in a velvet glove),最应提防的是口蜜腹剑的人(a fox in a sheep’s skin or a wolf in sheeps clothing.)