


进口配额制(Import Quotas)又称进口限额制。它是直接限制进口的一种重要措施。进口配额制是指一国政府在一定时期内(如一季度、半年或一年内),对某些商品的进口数量或金额规定一个数额加以直接的限制,在规定时限内,配额以内的货物可以进口,超过配额则不准进口,或者征收较高的关税、附加税或罚款后才能进口。
5.The definition of the import quotas.
Import Quotas, namely Import Limits, which is one of the most important measures to limit import. Import quotas is defined as the direct limitation impossed on some certain
import commodity on import quantity or sum in some periods(e.g. one quarter, one half-year or a whole year). In the limitation period, merchats in limitation range is granted to be imported, otherwise, will be refused or much higher tariffs will be impossed.
There are two kinds of Import Quotas.
1) Absolte Quotas.
2) Tariff Quotas.
1. 在进口配额制下管理好使用好配额,扩大出口,增加外汇
在配额制下,进口国对某些商品直接限定数量或金额,在限定范围内,货物才许可进口。因此,对出口国来说,配额用完了就不能扩大出口。即使有的国家允许超配额商品进口,而进口国则要征收高额 关税或罚款,但这种关税非同一般关税,有时甚至高达百分之几百,罚款数额也很大。所以,实际上这种高额关税或罚款起到了禁止进口的作用。
1. Manage the quotas well and make good use of it to expand export and raise foreign-currency(foreign reserves?) under the import quotas system.
Due to the fact that under the import quotas system, importing nations set a ceiling limit of the quantity and sum of the import commodity and import commodity gained the access permission only when the quota limit has not been used out. As for the exporting nations, it is not possible to expand export when no quotas is available. Even though in some nations, excess import happens only on the basis that the importing nation imposes higher tariffs, usually go up to several hundred percent, or levies heavy fines which is also very huge. Actually, it serves as a ban on imports.
The varieties and unit price should be in our favor in order to expand the export and raise the foreign reserve. High price and high class commodities should be given high priority. The customer demands and the production capacity are surely to take into consideration. Generally speaking, high value added products should take main account of the export, resource-based goods, raw materials, and best-selling goods can be slightly exported more on the meanwhilek.
Best effort should be make to expand export of the commodities that are not be limited by import quotas. As a example, though export quotas on "Bastket Species" are specified in trade agreement, the EU is less sensitive to it and the leash has been loosed. This kind of product accout for two or three tons in our country, which has been export a small amout in the past years and it has not been exported enough. We should expand "basket species" export positively. However, balance must be control well to prevent being intensivly centralized which will result in the EU's attention and negotiation.
Customer management should be strengthed. In most cases, commodities suffering from quotas are in short supply. As for the importers, profits is well guaranted. So, we could control through taking measures such as releasing export licence, signing certificate of origin and shipment.
4.为了履行对外缔结的协定义务,管理好配额品种的出口,各业务部门必须要有一个精确的统计资料。业务部门按时上报的配额使用情况,数字一定要正确。业务部门内部也要加强统计和联系,保证成 交出运数不超过配额数。
4. In order to fullfill well the trade agreement and manage well the quota commodities, every operating deparment must have prcise statistical materials. Opeating department has to report the quota usuage condition in time and the figure accuracy is a must. As inside the operating department, statistics and communications should be enforced to assure the quotas will not be accessed.
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