A pillar of salt 什么意思. 盐柱子是什么意思. lot’s wife什么意思.

<绝望的主妇> 第二季第十一集中,Bree对Andrew和男友Justin在自家前院的暧昧行为提出了批评,没想到反遭讥讽:“Oh, and you didn't turn into a pillar of salt. Good for you。" 噢,还好,你没有变成盐柱子。




所以英语中就有了Lot's Wife和a pillar of salt来指代"分好奇的人"。

另外    ykyi.net 还有两个关于salt的短语.

worth one's salt 是指称职,有能力,能胜任的意思。原因是盐曾作为工资支付手段,工资金salary也就是源于此。例如: That actor is not worth his salt. (那个演员不称职。)

rub salt in an old wound 表示"故意提及伤心地往事" 例如:

Do you remember that time you were giving a speech and you dropped your laptop computer?

Oh, please, let's not rub salt in old wounds.